Seeing the amazing coincidence as a sign, she. After WW II, she returned to the Island, only to encounter Steve Trevor Jr., agent for IADC, thirty years later. Synopsis for 'The New Original Wonder Woman' From within a top-secret Nazi base in Berlin, Germany, Reich party leader Colonel Oberst von Blasko gives orders to his top pilot Drangal.He wants him to conduct a raid against an American bomb factory in Brooklyn, New York. Furthermore, when the forces of evil threaten the nation, Diana would spin to transform into Wonder Wonder, armed with a magic belt giving her tremendous strength, bracelets that can stop any bullet, a tiara that can be thrown as a returning weapon and a unbreakable magic lasso that can force anyone to tell the truth. The New Original Wonder Woman is an episode of season 1 of Wonder Woman.It premiered on November 7, 1975. Taking the still unconscious Major to safety, she joins him as Yeoman Diana Prince.

Although forbidden to participate in the selection process, Diana joins secretly and wins the right and responsibility to go. The Amazons decide to send one of their own to help fight in this crisis. Its the 75th anniversary of Wonder Woman and Cake Wars is joining the party Four bakers will face the golden Lasso of Truth from our judges, but only one. He is rescued by Princess Diana, who learns of the war against the Nazis. Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, Fausta: The Nazi Wonder Woman, Perhaps the most discussed and favorite episode of WW fans during the shows run, Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman convinces her mother, the Queen of the Amazons, that she must once again go into the outside world to help protect the free world from its enemies as well as the secret of Paradise Island and its ancient culture.

During World War II, a plane piloted by Major Steve Trevor crashes near Paradise Island, the secret hidden island home of the mighty and eternally young Amazons. Watch Wonder Woman season 2 episode 1 Online.